This has been an ongoing little project that I've been having some fun with. This is also a completely stolen concept. I think the concept was inspired by a circulating email entitled "Stuff White People Like" (See entry #1). It has been adapted and even turned into a book on all things Christian, a sort of satirical overview of some of our most common trademarks, mannerisms and commonalities. Some of these are mine and some are... er... borrowed; some light-hearted, some kind of sad, and some tragically and painfully true.
Bottom line is it's for a laugh... I mean, if we can't laugh at ourselves, right?
So here are just a few of the Stuff Christians Like:
- Putting a God spin on popular secular ideas (like 'Got Milk?' becomes 'Got Jesus?').
- Reading "Love is Patient" at your wedding.
- Songs with bottomless lyrics.
- Comparing 'The Matrix' to Christianity.
- Thomas Kinkade
- Becoming awesome in a certain number of steps.
- Dating God... instead of me.
- Calling Satan "the enemy."
- Greeting the people around you.
- Dressing up church with cool words.
- Mixing sign language and music.
- Church names that sound like clothing stores.
- Songs that sound Christian, but aren't.
- Famous Christians.
- Not dancing.
- Occasionally swearing.
- Creating new types of services.
- Giving advice on things we've never experienced.
- Metrosexual worship leaders/singers.
- Rooting for secret Christians on American Idol.
- Rob Bell.
- Saying, "I'll pray for you," and then not.
- Getting a precise definition of virgin from your youth pastor, or 'How far is too far?'.
- Purpose, purpose, purpose.
- Not owning nice stuff.
- Calling people "seekers."
- Being Relevant.
- Aspiring to be nothing more in life than a wife & mother.
- Being edgy.
- Rededicating your life, again.
- Fearing the rapture will come before you lose your virginity.
- Editing pop culture.
- The side hug.
- Discovering our spiritual gifts.
- Leadership.
- Calling things "postmodern."
- Getting caught off guard by divorce.
- Grape juice instead of wine for Communion.
- Offering a safe approach to life.
- Using the word "Frickin" in place of the F word.
- Journaling.
- Disguising gossip as prayer.
- Books that become empires.
- Playing the G card.
- Associating 'meditation' with yoga, candles and chanting.
- Knowing where not to be during the rapture.
- Emerging from something.
- Wishing your testimony was more exciting.
- Personality tests; or how to categorize myself so that you will truly understand me.
- Discovering your personal calling.
- The Five Love Languages.
- Trying to be liked.
- Kissing dating goodbye.
- Coaching.
- Never being in a room alone with a member of the opposite sex.
- Evangelism tools.
- Building a community of communities within community... and then worshiping at the altar of Community.
- Witnessing to people who don't believe the Bible using the Bible.
- Saying, "I grew up in the church."
- Wishing sin wasn't fun.
- Weird dating websites.
- War themed ministries.
- Waiting on God.
- Telling you how many people come to our church.
- The pray if you feel led prayer.
- Chain email forwards.
- Meticulously and Magnificently Making Multiple Messages Match (M)letters.
- Giving open flames to kids on Christmas eve.
- Referring to that verse where Jesus clears the temple when you get angry.
- The Passion of the Christ
- Singing, "You down with G.O.D." instead of OPP.
- Committees on committees about committees.
- Using "love on" as a verb.
- Traveling mercies.
- Thinking Vegas is slightly worse than hell.
- Thinking temptation just kind of happens.
- Thinking God is "testing you" when you encounter hard times.
- Christianizing your facebook profile.
- Disguising baby beauty pageants as Baby Dedications.
- Reading through the Bible.
- Precious Moments.
- Confusing never with ever.
- Lying because I love you.
- Promise rings.
- Narnia.
- Margin, or life balance, or what $3 will get you.
- The friend that went to counseling once and is now an expert on counseling you.
- Wishing you had partied before becoming a Christian.
- Going through "seasons."
- Powerpointing for the Lord.
- Using God as a financial plan.
- "Jesus Walks" by Kanye West.
- Loving issues, liking people.
- Saying "just" during prayer.
- Fishbowling the drummer.
- The prayer grunt of affirmation.
- Prosperity, or 28 ways Jesus blings.
- Liking the Bible less than Hunter S. Thompson liked The Great Gatsby.
- Background music for prayer.
- Looking cool at church.
- Arguing about the "wives submit to your husbands" verse.
- Praying w/ our hands on people.
- Worship leaders that add the word "and" to songs.
- Sufjan Stevens.
- Warning friends that the person they are about to meet is a "non-Christian."
- The marriage triangle.
- Christian emoticons.
- Getting married before the legal drinking age; or How to pass the time at boring weddings.
- Accountability.
- Homeschooling.
- U2
- Saying "The Bible" when asked what your favorite book is.
- Dividing the bill up to the exact cent; or contributing to the cost of the meal, but not the tip.
- Not tipping.
- The Republican party.
- The secular culture parental filter, or "How I almost got to listen to Europe."
- Breaking the chains.
- Indie-folk-alt-country music, or music by uncool people for uncool people.
- How Christmawesome your Christmas sweater is.
- Bashing Obama.
- Meeting at Starbucks
- Getting single people married as soon as possible.
- Talking about Bible college like it's University.
- Reassuring single people that their mate is "still out there," or how to make single people feel like losers.
- Talking about 'vision' more than living out 'vision;' or Meetings, Meetings, Meetings.
- Waiting to hear from God before answering hard questions, or exercises in spinelessness.
- Doing "everything else" except sex.
- Lists.