Tuesday, 8 May 2007

James Banez: R.I.P.

It would be so cliche´ to say, "It's times like this that remind us how fragile life really is." But how else are you supposed to react to these kinds of circumstances?
I found out on Friday evening that a friend of mine from high school was in a fatal car accident on Highway 101 in California. I was really better friends with his sister, but we all grew up in church together. James Banez was around the EV Free Fullerton youth ministry for as long as I can remember. He was older than me... 5 years, actually, but he was always on our surf trips and at our summer camps... and like I said, I was friends with his younger sister, Charity. Which is where this tragedy takes a turn for the worse. On the day of his death, James was heading up to Palo Alto to comfort his younger sister. Charity and her husband had just lost their 3-month-old baby girl, Zoe, unexpectedly. James, his brother Allen and sister Sarah were on their way up north from Orange County when their vehicle was struck from behind and sent into the center divide. James (driving) was killed instantly, while Allen and Sarah were treated for abrasions, lacerations and other minor injuries and released a couple of days later. The driver of the other vehicle fled the scene of accident before CHP arrived and is still at large.
James (39) is survived by his wife Brenda and three children with one on the way.

What do I say about this? I mean, a family lost a two loved ones on the same day!!! Do I journey down some existential expose´ on life, death, what it all means, why, God, why??? I don't think so. I think I'll just remind myself that His ways are higher than my ways, and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. And right now, I trust that He is enjoying the company of two of his beloved children...

James Joseph Banez & Zoe Elkington

News Story: http://cbs5.com/topstories/local_story_124122505.html

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