Saturday 16 February 2008

2008 Movie Preview

I know we're midway through month two of 2008, but it's not too late to mention some humdingers to watch out for. In no particular order and regardless of (UK) release dates:
  1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (May 22) - needs no commentary
  2. Hellboy 2 (Aug 22)
  3. Hancock (July 2)
  4. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (June 27)
  5. Rambo (Feb 22) - Rambo in Burma alongside Christian missionaries!!! Guaranteed to be the bloodiest First Blood yet.
  6. Get Smart (Aug 15)
  7. The Incredible Hulk (June 13) - this HAS to be better than the first dialogue-heavy dud.
  8. Burn After Reading (Fall) - Two Coens brothers' movies in one year!!!
  9. The Dark Knight (July 25) - will Heath Ledger's swan song as the Joker be his best???
  10. The Happening (June 13) - M. Night Shyamalan returns... think there will be a twist?
  11. Bond 22 (Nov 7) - rumor has it the Olsen twins are starring as Bond girls - ha!
  12. Star Trek (Dec 26) - I'm not a Trekkie, but this is supposedly a return to the original storyline, and it's helmed by Alias/Lost creator J.J. Abrams.
  13. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Nov 21)
  14. Where the Wild Things Are (Oct 24) - Spike Jonze directing; Dave Eggers (Author: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius) writing - this should be an interesting children's adaptation of mad brilliance.
  15. Vantage Point (Mar 7) - a presidential assassination seen from 8 different points of view, and a shootout scene to rival Heat's!
  16. Sex and the City: The Movie - haha! Just kidding!
Also watch for:
  1. In Bruges (Mar 7)
  2. Pride and Glory (Mar 14)
  3. Lars and the Real Girl (Mar 21)
  4. 21 (Apr 11)
  5. The X-Files 2 (Aug 11)
  6. Eagle Eye (Sept 5)
  7. Death Race (Sept 26)
  8. Step Brothers (Sept 26)
  9. How to Lose Friends and Alienate People (Oct 3)
  10. Body of Lies (Winter)
  11. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (to be confirmed)

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